
The prehistoric Bronze Age settlement of Phylakopi just before Pollonia might be a rather unspectacular cultural sight except to the expert. The oldest indications of a settlement are graves from the early Cycladic culture dated to about 3000 BC. Phylakopi is seen as one of the most important and biggest settlements of the Cycladic culture.

In the end, this not especially extensive area is only of interest to expert visitors since there’s nothing more than the remains of a few walls to see here. However, the finds from the excavations at Phylakopi are worth seeing. Some of these are on display in the Archaeological Museum in Plaka such as, for instance, the “Lady of Phylakopi.” Other exhibits are in the National Museum in Athens and in foreign museums.

To the east, the excavation site at Phylakopi borders the bay of Papafrangas.

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Update 05/20